Google and the Net

Trei, Peter ptrei at
Wed Oct 10 06:33:55 PDT 2001

> Steve Schear[SMTP:schear at]
> At 11:40 PM 10/9/2001 +0200, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> >
> >It's unfortunate that we have to rely on Google.  Imagine an ongoing,
> >distributed project to cache the web.  Volunteers could keep tabs on
> >a subset of corporate and personal web pages and cache old versions
> >when changes are made.  Rewriting history becomes that much harder.
> >And it's certainly a better use of computers than seti at home.
> This is actually an excellent application front end for a Mojo Nation type
> system, as the data is redundant and distributed.
You get an interesting recursion problem arising - does your 'memory
of the web' site include sites which contain archives for the purpose of
being 'memory of the web'? Shades of Godel....

Peter Trei

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