al Qaeda website?

maxinux maxinux at
Wed Oct 10 01:57:10 PDT 2001

> <>
> compare with
> <>
> Every thought how bad the net would be if google went away?

These dont do much actually.. the actual page is dead... the other is a nice cached link, index4.html has some more stuff.. 
the really interesting thing on index6.. it links to, which also does not work, BUT the cache.. the cache my 
friends, has some fun stuff

Bin Ladins Articles of declaration of jihad and mujahideen...

Have a nice read.. Ill include an exerpt after this

                                          THE  AMERICANS OCCUPYING THE 
                                           LAND OF THE TWO HOLY PLACES

                                           "Expel the Infidels from the Arab Peninsula"

                                    A Message from Usama bin Muhammad bin Laden unto his Muslim 
                                Brethren all over the World generally, and in the Arab Peninsula specifically 
During the oil boom of the Middle East during the 1970s, Mohammad bin Ladin, an ordinary from Yemen came and settled with his 
family in Saudi Arabia. He opened a
business which later proved to be on of the biggest construction companies in the entire Middle East: the Bin Ladin 
Corporation. This company was involved in the
construction of roads, buildings, mosques, airports and the entire infrastructure of many of the countries in the Arabian 
Gulf. Usama was one of the sons of Mohammad
bin Ladin. Being an ordinary young man, he was more pious than his brothers, and was deeply affected by the involvement of his 
family's company in rebuilding the two
(and ends with:)
Our Lord, bless Muhammad, Your slave and messenger, his family and descendants, and companions and salute him with a 
(becoming) salutation. 

And our last supplication is: All praise  is due to Allah . 

Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden 

Friday, 9/4/1417 A.H (23/8/1996 CE)  Hindukush Mountains, Khurasan, Afghanistan. 

kind of an interesting read.. enjoy all -Max

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