More on Anthrax cases at publishing company in Florida

FogStorm fogstorm at
Mon Oct 8 21:51:10 PDT 2001

On Monday, October 8, 2001, at 08:22  PM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 05:06:46PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
>> MSNBC is reporting on the air that the anthrax was mailed and may have
>> been mailed to  other newspapers as well. (Howard Fineman is being
>> interviewed on the Chris Matthews show.)
> Time to take extra precautions when opening suspicious packages in
> the Wired News DC mailroom.

Sending anthrax through the mail could be an effective terror tactic. 
Anthrax if mailed to the media will help generate hysteria - frightened 
people who are largely ignorant about anthrax other than Anthrax + 
People = Death and who can disseminate news/rumor/fear to a great many 
people quickly. Even if there are few deaths the economic impact could 
be pretty big as people panic and refuse to open mail from strangers.

> Anyone who really wants to reach me will send email, anyway.

If someone want to target journalists it's not going to be all that hard 
to determine where journalists live.

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