Second man tests positive for anthrax; media building closed

Tim May tcmay at
Mon Oct 8 09:23:10 PDT 2001

On Monday, October 8, 2001, at 07:26 AM, Xeni Jardin wrote:

> <<BOCA RATON, Florida (CNN) -- Florida health officials on Sunday said a
> second man has tested positive for anthrax bacteria.
> The Associated Press reported that it was unclear when final tests would
> tell whether or not the second man has full-blown anthrax. The bacterium
> normally has an incubation period of up to seven days, but could take up
> to 60 days to develop, the AP reported, citing local health officials.
> State and local health officials closed a building where a 63-year-old
> Florida man who died of anthrax worked, after a sample from the building
> and from another employee showed the presence of the bacterium that
> causes anthrax.

This confirms the news I posted a few days ago. The first known case of 
inhalational anthrax in 25 years happens at this time. Then the second...

Moreover, in the same small town of Lantana where three of the WTC 
pilots lived and worked.

Mighty weird coincidence, if it is. One coincidence is probably that, 
but more?

(A complete speculation, admittedly, is the connection with the first 
dead guy's occupation: a photographer for the weekly tabloid "The Sun." 
Speculations that he was photographing the WTC pilots and their small 
plane for a "scoop" on bioterrorism are unsubstantiated.)

--Tim May

--Tim May, Corralitos, California
Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; 
perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." 
--Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty.

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