Let's Attack The Irish White Christian Terroroists...

sonofgomez709 sonofgomez709 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 8 08:10:45 PDT 2001

  a.. Subject: CDR: Re: Let's Attack The Irish White Christian Terroroists... 
  b.. From: Bill Stewart <bill.stewart at pobox.com> 
  c.. Sender: owner-cypherpunks at ssz.com 
  On the other hand, US tobacco merchants, who kill about 7000 Americans per 
  plus some harder-to-estimate number of people in other countries,
  have been putting warnings on their products for 35 years,
  and lots of people still don't get out of the way in time.
  (Plus the US government has not only subsidized growers over the years,
  they've actively subsidized tobacco export marketing.)

The Politically Correct AntiSmoker's Lobby would no doubt vote for AirStrikes against Smokers, for their Complicity in their own TobaccoTerrorist Murders...
By extension those who Visit Federal Buildings in the Future could be considered to be Complicit&OR&CocoaConsPirateWhores in their own Murders, and thus we could launch AirStrikes against them after their death...

OfCourseOfCourse [TM] the Present Political/Social Climate might not be best for supporting AirStrikes against the Graves of the Victims of the WTC Disaster, but once the BloodLust gets PumpedUp by the MainStreamDreamPentagonAnnexedPress, I'm sure someone can slip this program in without anyone raising objections.
(But it won't be me, eh? I'm trying to keep a low profile...)


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