Let's Attack The Irish White Christian Terroroists...

FogStorm fogstorm at mac.com
Sun Oct 7 17:29:33 PDT 2001

On Sunday, October 7, 2001, at 04:53  PM, jamesd at echeque.com wrote:

> On 7 Oct 2001, at 12:24, CJ Parker wrote:
>> Of course we're not attacking a Religion or a Country's
>> 'people'... So let's prove it by launching Air Strikes
>> against the Irish Republican Army Terrorists and the Irish
>> Government entities that give them aid and support.  Lets
>> launch Air Strikes against the homes and families of the
>> SeanPennSeanFeind Irish Politicians who support terroroism.
> The IRA did not kill six thousand US civilians in a terrorist
> attack.

IIRC when the IRA attacks economic infrastructure targets they generally 
phone in a warning far enough in advance that the area can be evacuated.

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