Satellite of love

maxinux maxinux at
Sat Oct 6 15:00:25 PDT 2001

Speaking about the NRO.. I drive passed Onizuka all the time, it looks like after sept 11 the satelite recievers at Onizuka 
(aka the blue cube) have been repositions.. I was out of the state at the time to look at it, so I cant verify, it just looke 
ddifferent when I got back, they were i think south east when I left, and now one is west one is south-south-west


On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 02:22:43PM -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
> The NRO's web page "How to Contact Us" information doesn't say
>          "Put a big sign on your roof and we'll call you."
> but it does have pointers to CIA recruiting information.
> - kids! Build your own satellite!
> - pics of a spy satellite

Yes, the Right Stuff was an excelent movie.

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