Anthrax found in Florida

James B. DiGriz jbdigriz at
Fri Oct 5 14:39:41 PDT 2001

Tim May wrote:

> On Friday, October 5, 2001, at 12:51 PM, Anonymous wrote:
>> A man in Florida has been infected with anthrax, according to the CDC.
>> <>
>> But don't freak out, they say. Don't buy a gas mask or antibiotics.
>> Don't panic. Get back in your cubicle. Keep working. Stay at your
>> desk.
>> Under no circumstances should you try to find some ciprofloxacin, an
>> antibiotic which might be useful in treating inhalational anthrax.
>> <>
> First case of inhalational anthrax reported in the U.S. in over 25 
> years, CNN reported, and yet it is happening NOW?
> The news reports are that the man may have been exposed during a visit 
> to North Carolina...they're checking on it. However, consider the 
> _SECOND_ odd coincidence: the man is from the same part of Florida 
> (Lantana, or somesuch) that the WTC pilots were training at.
> One coincidence is just that. Two...

It is peculiar timing, but they are looking harder for stuff like this 
now, too. Probably some mis- or undiagnosed cases have gone unreported. 
The CDC bulletin does mention a case in Texas earlier in the year.

I'm just outside the largest military installation on the East Coast. It 
went on a major security tightening a month or so before the WTC attack, 
  so it looks like somebody had reason to expect something..

Still don't feel the need for a gas mask.


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