Dealing with Islamic terrorists, and with Afghanistan

mmotyka at mmotyka at
Thu Oct 4 17:36:05 PDT 2001

Steve Furlong <sfurlong at> wrote :
>mmotyka at wrote:
>> Let's see, as far as the Taliban and probably other extremists are
>> concerned, all of Islam is in a life and death battle against
>> non-believers, non-Muslims, namely a bunch of atheist Americans.
>> The U.S., OTOH, is taking great pains to emphasize that we are not at
>> war with Islam but rather with a relatively small group of extremists.
>Here's tidbit regarding the handling of Muslim terrorists: in 1911,
>General "Blackjack" Pershing was dealing with terrorists in the
>Philippines. He caught a handful of them, made them dig their own
>graves, tied them to stakes near the graves, and brought up a bunch of
>pigs. He told them that the pigs would be slaughtered along with the
>terrorists, and they'd be buried together, thus not only denying them
>the benefits of heaven but sending them straight to hell forever. He let
>one of the terrorists "escape" to spread the word. There was no problem
>with terrorists the rest of the time Pershing was there. The question
>is, why shouldn't we do something like that now? It's obvious a
>significant part of the Moslem world will never love the US, so we
>should make sure they fear us instead. (Wes Pruden mentioned this in his
>Washington Times column recently. I haven't found it elsewhere on the
>Web, but have seen it in print.)
I know the story. That was the Moro tribe, right? There was also a story
of a prisoner having been wrapped in a fresh pigskin and hanged.

Shortly after 911 I suggested that the US publicize video clips of its
forces dipping bullets in pig's blood and painting pigblood deathheads
on cruise missiles and preparing boxcar-sized piggery and slaughterhouse
runoff aerosol bombs. Rumors of pork-only meals in US prison camps. The
whole dying unclean thing...

It may or may not work - I don't know how serious these guys are about
their religion. Should the leaders be more worldly they might struggle
with their texts to devise a palatable philosophical out for their field

All in all it's a funny idea though.


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