United 4 Love Call To Action. PLEASE READ. Send Letter to President Bush

United 4 Love info at united4love.com
Thu Nov 8 12:07:07 PST 2001

This is a call to action from: UNITED 4 LOVE: Freedom, Diversity, Action, Love.
The mission of United 4 Love: Freedom, Diversity, Action, Love, is to create a patriotic organization of Americans who want to take humanitarian action to end terrorism, hate and violence. OUR FIRST ACTION IS TO SEND THE GROUP LETTER BELOW TO PRESIDENT BUSH. 

To join the group letter, simply click http://www.united4love.com, and enter the United4Love.com web site. Then click, "Send Letter To President Bush" and your voice for freedom will be heard.

Dear President Bush:
I support your efforts to protect us. In these times of terror we must look beyond partisanship for unity. Americans have come together with a new kind of patriotism. We are more of a family than ever before. We are more united than ever. These terrorists can not destroy our joy as Americans. Despite the tragedies we will emerge a better country -- a better world leader.
I want to stand and be counted as an American who believes this war will be won on three fronts: intelligence, military and humanitarian. Love, is the greatest humanitarian force. I believe love may be our best weapon to combat terror at home and abroad.
The enemies of freedom, know how to gain strength with evil and hate. Their soldiers are unified in hate. They seek to divide and conquer the free world with hate. If we allow hate to fill our hearts, they will use our own swords against us. Our strategy must be enlightened. Americans are good, honest and courageous people. We care about humanity. We must show the world Americans have caring hearts. We can turn this tragedy into a victory for all humanity. Love and understanding must be a part of America's mission to cut evil forces off at the pass.
I support humanitarian food drops as positive acts of love. We need more strategies that focus on reducing hate against Americans. Avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Focus on strategies that emphasize the American commitment to freedom, intelligence, justice, peace, security, joy, respect, and love of country, diversity and humanity. Let justice prevail. Protect civil rights. They are the foundation of freedom. Encourage peace. Let the hearts of Americans be healed with goodness, and avoid creating martyrs and more enemies of our great nation.
UNITED 4 LOVE: Freedom, Diversity, Action, Love 


Susan Friedricks
(818) 563-4721

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