[CNN] FBI: Threat against Western bridges 'not credible'

mmotyka at lsil.com mmotyka at lsil.com
Wed Nov 7 10:33:01 PST 2001

Anonymous <cripto at ecn.org> wrote :
>>Form over function. Same as airport security. Psyops. Like the warnings
>>to keep people off balance. Should we start a pool to see who can guess
>>when ashcruft will put everyone 'on highest alert' next? It'll probably
>The airport security show is clearly designed to intimidate
>From what I saw, the security consists of asking for photo ID 3
>times instead of once (used to be at the check-in counter, now
>also when entering security check and at the gate). Mind boggles
>trying to understand how these two extra checks help.
>Is there a single documented case of a terrorist *not* having a
>proper ID ? Or losing the ID *after* the check-in ?
>The carry-on bagage X-raying and personal inductive test still
>fail to detect non-metallic knives, perhaps hidden in the shoes.
>Restaurants at airports still offer metal knives. After the
>security check. There are *so* many armed people at airports and
>so much more guns that inside jobs become much simpler than
>before. No one is going to ID armed man in military fatigue.
>Cockpit doors have better locks now, but I wonder where do pilots
>urinate during long flights ?
That Depends...

Brings to mind some NYC burglars...you know how you see NYC apartments
in movies where there are multiple locks on the door? It's true. Ever
seen one of those four-edged keys? Looks like it would be living hell to
pick. Well, some burglars found a way around it - they just smashed
through the wallboard next to the door. Now I'm not saying that this is
exactly what will happen next on an airliner but how much good will all
this show of force, new doors, sky marshals and ID checking do if these
bastards choose to launch one of those unaccounted-for stingers from
somewhere near a flight path over a densely populated area?

And before you say it's too tough to get one of those into the country -
I think customs checks <5% of incoming containers. And who knows, maybe
just a hail of bullets could knock out the turbines...

That's the problem with the "homeland security" gig - there are not
enough trillions to plug all of the holes in the dike.

So what to do? Well, the last four weeks of bombing and money hunting
are something. Not much, but something. And before it's labeled
prejudice I'm reasonably convinced that the guys who hijacked those
flights on 911 were not named smith, schmidt, o'malley, kowalski,
suzuki, xing, leclerc, rojas, or running bear.

Mainlining petroleum has helped put us at risk. Allowing automotive and
petroleum interests to run our country has prevented us from pursuing
conservation measures and alternative energy as aggressively as we
should have. Were we less dependent on petroleum in general and imported
petroleum in particular we would be at lower risk and in a stronger
position today. Consumption is just too much fun - until the bill

Management by crisis is always costly. Everyone talks about our being
"engaged" in the Middle East - they're wrong - we're bloody well married
to it and it's going to be one mother of an expensive divorce. 

Fuck^H^H^H^HThank you GM, Ford, Chrysler, Exxon, Mobil, BP, reagan,
bush, clinton, bush, congress and, most of all, all of us.


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