FC: Correction: FAA.gov *still* runs open mail relay (fwd)

baptista at pccf.net baptista at pccf.net
Tue Nov 6 09:46:50 PST 2001

I think it's silly.

here we have a government which claims some understanding of the net yet
most of their network infrastructure is insecure.  and this open smtp
relay is just the tip of the iceburg.

a few years ago i scanned all military domain name servers for
vulnerabilities under the old buggy bind4.  A large number of military dns
were found to be insecure.

i then proceeded to contact these administrator to have them upgrade their
servers in order to secure them.  a handful did the rest just ignored the

and i doubt much has changed today.

silly happy government

On Tue, 6 Nov 2001 measl at mfn.org wrote:

> Anyone up for a little game of "Warn The Public"?  :-)

The dot.GOD Registry, Limited


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