Phillip Morris ID database?

Alan Olsen alan at
Sat Mar 31 14:03:07 PST 2001

On Sat, 31 Mar 2001, dmolnar wrote:

> On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, David E. Smith wrote:
> > so they sent me a spoon) and cigarette coupons. The standard "having your
> > name in a database" caveats apply, though PM at least seems mostly
> > interested in verifying that you're over 21. (All the paper forms I've
> > seen expressly tell you to blackout your SSN/DL.)
> That's interesting - I asked the guy at the scanner if they wanted the IDs
> to verify ages, and he denied it - said that PM was just "updating its
> database." Probably he didn't know what the database is used for. In any
> case, if they're refusing IDs from minors, then this database seems less
> useful for establishing how many minors smoke. I have to wonder just what
> the rationale in the settlement for such a database is.
> Thanks for the information - for a little bit I wasn't sure if this was
> for real or not. 

It is for part II of the settlement. When they have the names of all of
the smokers, they then cancel your health insurance for "knowingly
engaging in unhealthy activity".

alan at | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
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