Speaking of free speech...

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Thu Mar 29 07:40:35 PST 2001

On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 12:48:07AM -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> Has anyone seen anything on the Supreme Court and the IR/4th Amendment
> Search issue? It seems like a vacuum.
> If the SC doesn't rule and let it just sit there won't this be the same as
> agreeing that the search is legal without having to face the actual
> constitutional test of issuing a ruling? What happens if they let it sit
> until the court retires (Oct.?) for the year? Are they required to
> re-visit when they rejoin?

They're not required to do anything. But I don't see any reason why
they won't rule by the end of the term.

A "vacuum?" There's been a lot of news coverage, sheesh. Hand-waving,
as usual, mixed with a bit of conspiracy theorizing.


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