Network Vigilante Gets Panties in Wad

Anonymous zippity at doo.dah
Fri Mar 23 10:42:20 PST 2001

Forwarded message:

> From: Mike Echols
> To: Joe Cypherpunk
> Subject: You are now being "advertised" on our main web page...
> Date: 23 Mar 2001 07:56:41:
> Greetings, turd!
> Even though you failed in your miserably poor attempt to join
> Better A Millstone as a spy, I felt it wise to advise folks of your
> actions and your sympathies and therefore I have not only put an
> explanation on our main web page but, too, have sent emails to all
> of our members and our hundreds of supports.
> Further, I have emailed the scores of law enforcement agencies with
> whom we work to advise them of your actions and presence and
> suggesting that the illegal attack on our former server could have
> been your work and asking them to check out you, your domain, and
> your IP host servers.
> Mike Echols, Founder & Executive Director
> Better A Millstone, Inc.


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