PGP flaw found by Czech firm allows dig sig to be forged

Reese reeza at
Thu Mar 22 17:41:31 PST 2001

At 08:36 AM 3/22/01 -0800, Ray Dillinger wrote:
 >In article <20010321133551.B2386 at>,
 >Declan McCullagh  <declan at> wrote:
 >>   Pretty Good Privacy that permits digital signatures to be forged in
 >>   some situations.
 >>   Phil Zimmermann, the PGP inventor who's now the director of the
 >>   OpenPGP Consortium, said on Wednesday that he and a Network Associates
 >>   (NETA) engineer verified that the vulnerability exists.
 >>   ICZ, a Prague company with 450 employees, said that two of its
 >>   cryptologists unearthed a bug in the OpenPGP format that allows an
 >>   adversary who breaks into your computer to forge your e-mail
 >>   signature.
 >A "vulnerability" that requires the opponent to have write access
 >to your private key in order to exploit?
 >Okay.  What was PGP's threat model again?  I'd have sworn that this
 >was squarely outside it.
 >As far as I can tell, *NOBODY* offers security tools that offer real
 >protection in the event your opponent has physical access to the

Always did right by Wile E. Coyote,,,  ;)


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