business opportunity

Master Marketing mastermarketing at
Tue Mar 20 22:05:37 PST 2001

Hi cypherpunks,

My name is Joe and I am the Marketing Director for a company called Due Process. We have been in business for 7 years. Our business is stopping debt collectors from abusing consumers. The author has written 3 books based on the laws of Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. We are traveling across the country spreading the word. We have done national radio shows, blasted all over the world wide web, and posted in major newspapers. My point is this Mike, we are offering you an opportunity to join this crusade and make some money. I am targeting those editors who have built a reputable downline of consumers who need financial help. Most of our major distributors sell 150 to 200 books a month profiting over $80,000 per month. If you are interested, please contact me at the following:
Joe Gliha
mastermarketing at
phone: 254-773-1207
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