Stegonography -- The New Crypto Boogieman

Alan Olsen alan at
Mon Mar 19 20:19:27 PST 2001

In the Oregonian March 19, 2001 Page D1 there is an article entitled
"Hidden Content -- Criminals use steganography to send illicit data in
what appears to be innocuous files".

The article can be found here:

This thing trots our every horseman under the sun, from Terrorists, nerve
gas makers, and every other fear mongering group possible.  You have to
read it to believe it.

It reads just like a press release from the FBI's department of

Probably the most fear-mongering peice of crap I have read in the
Oregonian in quite a while.  (Even beyond the headline about vampire cults
(i.e. Goths) being responsible for blood drinking murders.)

Stego is going to be the big target for anti-crypto propaganda.

Expect similar stories in a paper near you.

alan at | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
Alan Olsen            | to my mail, just hit the ctrl, alt and del keys.
    "In the future, everything will have its 15 minutes of blame."

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