contactme_scott at contactme_scott at
Sat Mar 17 13:35:28 PST 2001

Get out of Debt!!
Do you want to MAKE money instead of spend money in 
This is not another MLM Co.....It is Not a Downline Club.... 
You will not represent Any Products or Services!! Our 
Product is PROFIT!! 

What we are is a group of like-minded individuals 
interested in Maximizing PROFIT from existing legitimate 
businesses. Our goal is to put the Companies and their 
compensation plans to work for Us!! 

We use a simple, yet brilliant concept to capitalize on the 
absolutely BEST pay plans in existence!!

I would like you to review the concept at no cost or 
obligation. You will see that with a little effort you will be 
able to have MAJOR cash flow, which will enhance your 
life in as little as a couple weeks.

I promise you... there is no flaw in this plan! If you follow 
the dots, YOU will make SERIOUS MONEY!!

For FREE/no obligation information, send a blank email to:
	contactme_Scott at
	subject: "moreinfo"
ps: You will be able to base your decision on FACT not alot 
of hype and smoke and mirrors.  This is real folks...take 
some time to find out what we are all about - you won't be 
I received your e-mail as someone interested in Internet Business 
Opportunities. If I received your e-mail in error, or you are no 
longer interested, you can be removed at no cost to you simply by 
pressing "Reply" and place "Remove" in the Subject line.

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