WSJ: NSA Computer Upgrade

John Young jya at
Wed Mar 14 17:41:27 PST 2001

It is likely that a principal reason for the new NSA system is
to be able to more efficiently spy on its users, as with intelink,
siprnet and niprnet -- and our own beloved Internet whose
users and hackers know not what is being logged. 

Counterintelligence has become a more important function 
of the intel agencies than intelligence, as with corporations, 
educational institutions and families who face internal attacks.

Exposing threats to kids, church and nation is a hot market.
Counterintelligence in all its forms is riding high as a savior
of the commonweal.

Still there are dark sides to knowing the truth.

The reports of DNA evidence showing that up to 28% of 
fathers are not the biological fathers of children for whom they
are legal parents is a reminder that revisionist intelligence is 
not limited to the spooks as data mining becomes more 
widely available.

And what will come of government as it becomes more
subject to internal attacks due to greater access to snooping
technology and counter-snooping attempts to hold onto
the privilege of knowing what underlings do not?

Deutch thought he knew why it was wise to work at home, 
to avoid the counter-snoops watching him, but the 
counter-snoops knew what he did not -- they work for
themselves not the bosses.

Sys admins may well become the power mongerers of
the future, or is that already the case. Hayden is dreaming
if he thinks he will be able to watch his troops without 
their knowing and counteracting it.

What is worrisome is the prospect of a coup by the 
info hi-technoids, most of who work for the military or 
have contracts with them -- out contracts.

SAIC, BBN, Mitre, RAND, the telecomms, the satcomms,
operators of the thick connections worldwide, coupled
with the wizards at the NSA, NRO, USAF, DIA, and so,
could put on a formidable putsch, while the oversight
committees remain, as ever, three monkied.

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