Toy gun ban: This is pleasantly insane

Alan Olsen alan at
Mon Mar 12 19:25:53 PST 2001

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

> > Next thing you know, it will be considered assault to hold your finger
> > like a gun and say "bang".  (If it is not already.)
> Try it in Heathrow airport and you will get ten years.

Airports are already a "no humour zone", so that is to be expected...

> > Zero tollerance requires a zero IQ.
> So with Dufus in the Whitehouse zero tollerance in the US will be comming
> soon.

When Bush Sr. was running for office many people voted for Clinton because
"anyone was better".

They were wrong.

History repeated itself in some sort of sick self-referential joke.

I expect that the coming Ashcroft years will make us look back fondly at
the Meese and Reno days.

alan at | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
Alan Olsen            | to my mail, just hit the ctrl, alt and del keys.
    "In the future, everything will have its 15 minutes of blame."

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