Physical reason

Alexander Trofimenko oton at
Sun Mar 11 09:06:25 PST 2001

Dear Sirs

I would like to offer the paper"Physical reason of Oklahoma-City catastrophe".

Many facts tell us about catastrophes in cities, which are similar to Oklahoma-City tragedy. But their reason are natural forces not human deeds. The knowledge of the true reason of the Oklahoma-City catastrophe is important for prevention such tragedies in the future. The proof of physical reason of Oklahoma-City catastrophe will free Timothy J. McVeigh from an accusation. This version has little chances. But it is last chance for rescue Timothy J. McVeigh. American storch should not answer for actions of natural forces. Probably, this version has one chance from one million. But the life of the man costs to check up the most improbable version.

I want to send this note to Timothy J. McVeigh, his attorneys and Benton K. Partin. What E-mail Timothy J. McVeigh, his attorneys and Benton K. Partin?

Thank You for attention to my letter.

Yours sincerely

Alexander P. Trofimenko 

E-mail: oton at

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Telephone in Minsk: (8-10375172) 210-20-40
Dr. Alexander P. Trofimenko
P.O. Box 7, Minsk-12, 220012, Belarus

Physical reason of Oklahoma-City catastrophe 

Alexander P. Trofimenko

Timothy J. McVeigh is scheduled to die by lethal injection May 16, 2001, in the first execution by the federal government in 37 years. The Gulf War veteran was convicted of murder 168 people, making it the deadliest act of terrorism on American soil. 

Whether becomes this event the triumph of fairness and legality? Or this event becomes the apogee of tragical error? The American justice is known to be the most perfect in the world. All was provided for the fair justice. But the jurisprudence, unfortunately, does not take into account recent scientific discoveries.

Many facts tell us about catastrophes in cities, which are similar to Oklahoma-City tragedy. But their reason are natural forces not human deeds. The knowledge of the true reason of the Oklahoma-City catastrophe is important for prevention such tragedies in the future.

In the morning of April 19, 1995 the terrible explosion has shaken an office building in the tranquil Oklahoma-City. The 9-storeyed building collapsed. As a result of the catastrophe a three-meter depth and six meters width crater has been formed. One thousand kg of an explosive are necessary for such powerful explosion. 168 persons perished under debrises. 

29-year's farmer Timothy J. McVeigh was arrested by policemen in 75 minutes after the explosion. He was detained for speeding in 130 kilometers from Oklahoma - City. He was the participant of the operation "Desert Storm". Subsequently he became the main accused on criminal cases about the terrorist act.

The FBI agents have found a small detail of the automobile among tens tons of fragments, which were on a place of explosion. According to the formal version, the part found was that of the car, where ton of explosive was put in. The inspectors establish, that the found detail belongs to the automobile, which was rented by McVeigh. The small part has led the police to creator of the "infernal machine".

Nobody witnessed how McVeigh had exploded 9-storeyed building. Only some indirect proofs have appeared at the disposal of accusation. The former colleague and friend of McVeigh became the main witness of accusation. He informed that McVeigh was going to raise a general revolt (?!) in America. The terror act in Oklahoma-City should become an impulse to rebellion in the richest and safe country. 

The accusation was able to convince the jury. The exemplary soldier and the hero of victorious war was hating its government. This has induced McVeigh to effect the explosion of an office building in Oklahoma - City. Four day was required to the members of jury to ascertain McVeigh's guilt in this crime.

The reason of the Oklahoma-City tragedy: human deeds or natural forces? The unexpected catastrophes in different cities of planet can be more powerful, than the dramatic collapse of the building in Oklahoma-City.

At the night of April 12, 1991 the enormous explosion has occurred in townlet Sasovo of the Ryazan Region(Russia). The power of explosion was estimated to be about 25 tons of trotyl. A huge crater (28 meters in a diameter and 4 meters by depth) has remained on a place of event. The crater was surprisingly round with a large (3 meters in a diameter) knoll in the middle.

To provide such a powerful blast dozens of autotruck with explosive would be necessary. The same is valid with the blast in Oklahoma-City. The version about the explosion of vacuum bomb appeared firstly at once affirmed by the statement that the bomb was thrown accidentally from the warplane. But it has not been acknowledged. The riddle of event in Sasovo has excited scientific circles, but it was impossible to find a traditional scientific explanation.

A dozen cases of strange "explosions" of buildings occur annually in various places. The similarity of unexpected destructions of buildings in various areas of the Earth reveals the universal natural factor of such catastrophes.

The science has made recently one discovery: the gravitational force of black holes (otons) causes these catastrophes. Black holes were predicted within the framework of the modern theory of gravitation - the general theory of relativity. The creator of this theory is famous Albert Einstein.

The creators of atomic bombs were the founders of the otonic science. In 1939 R. Oppenheimer with his collegues have made the inference about an opportunity of formation during star evolution of objects, which have termed later as black holes. Later Oppenheimer has become "father" of the American atomic bomb.

Physicist J. А. Wheeler has defined the term "black hole" in 1967. He was the scientific consultant of the President on american nuclear program. The world-wide interest to black holes sharply increased after papers by Wheeler and his colleagues have been published.

J. B. Zel'dovich was one of the creators of the Soviet atomic bomb. The scientist created the scientific school on black holes in Moscow. "Black holes are everywhere, where the contrary had not been proved". This jocoserious phrase had been told by Zel'dovich at a gravitational conference in Minsk. The severe sense of this remark is clear to everyone, who knows the concept of gravitational vacuum. 

A. D. Sacharov was the known advocate of human rights, the Nobel prizewinner and "father" of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. He was interested in black holes too. This interest was connected with development of the theory of Great Unification of fundamental forces. This theory must unite all known interactions and particles, become a theory of everything. The source of particles of the highest energies in the Universe is necessary for verification of the theory. Academician Sacharov has offered to use explosible micro-black holes as such energy source.

In 1964 I.D. Novikov, and then in 1965 Y. Ne'eman have stated idea of the so-called "retarded cores" - splinters of the Big Bang. In 1967 J.B. Zel'dovich and I.D. Novikov, and then in 1971 S. Hawking have suggested the second variant of origin of black holes, which are formed of inhomogeneities of substance at the early stages of the Metagalaxy expansion. 

Such otons have received the name of relict (primordial) black holes. The relict black holes are splinters of the Big Bang, splinters of superdense substance. These black holes could have any possible masses and there are a lot of them in the Earth.

Terrestrial black holes are microscopic objects (gravitational " points" ) with masses starting from thousand tons up to billion of billions tons. Their sizes are comparable to that of atoms and fundamental particles. 

The terrestrial black holes can differ in mass in many billions times. And it is not only quantitative distinctions. The properties of black holes of various masses can be so different, that it is possible to speak about qualitatively various objects. The terrestrial black holes are the diversified objects. A variety of otonic manifestations hugely increase due to diversity of the types of their interaction with matter and black holes combinations in otonic systems. They can cause as practically imperceptible phenomena, so planetary cataclysms(earthquakes, volcanoes explosions, etc). 

The force of gravitation of atomic size black hole (mass about 1020g) at a distance of one kilometer is equal to the force of the Earth gravity, and surpasses the force of the Earth gravity in million times at one meter distance. Such black hole moves with the cosmic speed and is capable to destroy buildings. The black hole, having destroyed a building for shares of second, moves on other end of the Planet during half-an-hour. The determination of movement trajectory of such black hole is a real task.

The solution of this problem is a finding of trajectory of a gravitational point in the gravity field of the Earth. This problem is constantly solved for Earth satellites and space ships. The knowledge of an otonic trajectory helps to determine the further wanderings of the "black hole - terrorist". It means an opportunity of definition of places, in which collision with black holes are possible, and time, when these collisions can occur.

The black hole, which was the cause of the Oklahoma-City tragedy, else will appear near terrestrial surface, bringing destructions and death. The place and the time of these events can be predicted. It will free Timothy J. McVeigh from an accusation.

The proof of physical reason of Oklahoma-City catastrophe will free Timothy J. McVeigh from an accusation. Black holes can destroy buildings. This version has little chances. But it is last chance for rescue Timothy J. McVeigh. American storch should not answer for actions of natural forces. Probably, this version has one chance from one million. But the life of the man costs to check up the most improbable version.

What consolation can be at victims and relatives of victims of the Oklahoma-City disaster? 250 people want to view Oklahoma bomber's execution. The author wants to show the real Oklahoma bomber - black hole. This will be a show of destroying action of the black hole, which was the cause of the Oklahoma-City disaster. This will be able to see many and on TV all. It is possible to predict and prevent such the tragedies. This should become a consolation for all.


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