Stocknight- After Market Edition

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Fri Mar 9 16:16:55 PST 2001

[]                                                 [Image]

  Issue 2                                                March 9, 2001

   Today's Issue                                              [Image]

   The NASDAQ stumbled to a 27 month low Friday, driven in party by a
   nasty earnings warning by chip maker Intel. The Nasdaq composite
   index dropped 115.88, or just over 5 percent, to  2,052.85 during
   Friday's session, it's lowest level since Dec. 17, 1998. The DOW
   was battered too, falling 213.63, or almost 2 percent, to
   10,644.62 managing somehow to stay up 1.7 percent for the week.

   CNNfn stated in an article published Friday, that  "analysts said
   investors do not need to run for the hills in a panic." despite
   the bloodbath in the tech sector quoting Seth Martin, an analyst
   with as saying, "I think stocks really are near
   their lows at this point and I think investors are
   bargain-oriented right now. They believe in some sort of comeback
   by the end of this year so if you believe in that, you have to
   like stocks at these prices."

   We'll see on Monday as earnings statements continue to be

   Breaking News                                              [Image]

   At StockNight we prefer to publish news in our Breaking News
   section that truly is "Hot off the Press." When at all possible we
   try and work with news that has been released after the marker's
   close or late in the trading day.

   Today, at roughly 22 minutes after Friday's market close
   Saf-T-Hammer (otcbb: SAFH) issued a statement that many of our
   readers will undoubtedly find interesting given the tragic school
   shooting of this week.

   Here is part of the release:

         Saf-T-Hammer Responds to Child Safety Lock Legislation

   SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.--March 9, 2001--Saf-T-Hammer Corp. (OTCBB: SAFH
   - news), the Scottsdale-based firearm safety and security company
   today responded to the efforts of Wisconsin U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl's
   March 1 reintroduction of the Child Safety Lock legislation he

   Sen. Kohl has also authored the Youth Handgun Safety Act of 1994
   and the Gun-Free School Zone Act, which makes it a federal crime
   to knowingly bring a gun within 1,000 feet of a school or to fire
   a gun in these zones.

   ``We are watching this legislation closely,'' said Robert Scott,
   president of Saf-T-Hammer. ``There is a continuing, growing
   awareness of the need for firearm safety solutions. The recent
   school shooting in San Diego tragically brought the issue to the
   nation's attention again.''

   The ``Child Safety Lock Act of 2001'' reintroduced into the Senate
   last week under Senate Bill S 436, calls for safer keeping of
   firearms including the requirement of child handgun safety locks
   included in every sale and transfer of a handgun.

   ``All firearm owners, most of whom act extremely responsibly, have
   an obligation to store and secure their firearms in a manner to
   prevent unauthorized access,'' said Scott. ``The gun safety locks
   manufactured by our company have proven to be effective,
   inexpensive and easy to use.''

   The bill would be an amendment to chapter 44 of title 18, U.S.
   Code and is co-sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer, Sen. Jon Corzine,
   Sen. John F. Kerry, Sen. Charles E. Schumer, Sen. Lincoln D.
   Chafee, Sen. Richard J. Durbin and Sen. Jack Reed.

   Polls show that between 75 and 80 percent of the American public,
   including gun owners, favor the mandatory sale of child safety
   locks with guns. In addition, according to public reports from
   last year's campaign, President Bush indicated he supports the
   idea of mandatory child safety locks and would sign a bill that
   required the sale of a child safety lock with all new handguns.

   Attorney General Ashcroft confirmed the Bush administration
   supports the mandatory sale of child safety locks during his
   Senate confirmation hearings earlier this year. Each year,
   teenagers and children are involved in more than 10,000 accidental
   shootings in which close to 800 people die. In addition, every
   year 1,300 children usefirearms to commit suicide. ``The need is
   definite and real,'' said Scott.

   Please click here  to read the remainder of this release:

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