DoJ and Cypherpunks...

axlotl at axlotl at
Fri Mar 9 14:00:38 PST 2001

>It was a polite and reasonable post.  I think it's cool that he did
>that, and what he said makes sense.  Now I guess I'm an assistant
>attorney apologist apologist....

While the message used polite words, its implications and usage was not 
polite, especially in the context of threats made to Adam Ciralsky, a 60 
Minutes reporter re a subpoena for his notes if the reporter continued to 
ask questions about the upcoming trial, and especially not in its implications 
for other cypherpunks who might  be interested in talking to the press -
 or on the list - regarding CJ, JB, or AP. (see <

The message is clear - if you monkey around with this stuff, expect to be 
dragged across the country a few times on short notice, threatened with 
perjury or other charges, and otherwise intimidated and inconvenienced until 
you stop thinking and talking about feds who get promotions and publicity 
by prosecuting an itinerant musician/author living out of his pickup truck 
and a 40-year old man who still lives with his parents and plays with stink 

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