Globalization turncoat spooks wanted in EU

Blank Frank BF at
Fri Mar 9 07:36:09 PST 2001

Swedish secret service seeks informers: chief

From: C-afp at (AFP)

Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 8:50:15 PST

   STOCKHOLM, March 7 (AFP) - The Swedish secret service is trying
to recruit informants among anti-globalisation activists in a bid to
spare EU meetings this spring from the kind of protest violence that
marred top-level gatherings in Seattle and Prague, media reported
   Spy-master Jan Danielsson, head of the SAEPO secret service,
said the agency was looking for members of anti-globalisation groups
to feed police with inside information on planned protests at
several EU meetings to be held in Sweden.
   "It helps to have a source inside organisations in which SAEPO
is interested," he was quoted by newspapers as saying earlier on
   "All secret services work this way. SAEPO has always done it. We
are trying to recruit people who we think will give us
   Sweden, which currently holds the rotating EU presidency, is
scheduled to host a number of top-level meetings this year.
   These include two EU summits as well as other meetings of
finance ministers, foreign ministers and agriculture ministers.
   SAEPO has invited militants from the Greens environmental party
and the Attac association, which promotes a tax on financial
speculation to aid those in need, to provide information on their
groups' plans.
   Political movements such as "No to the EU" -- which groups
around 30 eurosceptic organisations -- and the former communist Left
Party have said they will stage "critical seminars" on the sidelines
of the EU meetings.
   Anti-globalisation protests have already managed to disrupt
gatherings such as the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland,
the EU summit in Nice, France, and the December 1999 global finance
and trade meetings in Seattle, Washington.

Copyright 2001 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)

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