Invitation to join the HipHopProductions group

HipHopProductions moderator HipHopProductions-owner at
Mon Mar 5 15:37:38 PST 2001


You've been invited to join the HipHopProductions group,
an email group hosted by Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use email group


1) REPLY to this email by clicking "Reply" and then "Send"
in your email program


2) Go to the Yahoo! Groups site at
Yahoo! Groups makes it easy to participate in email discussions,
coordinate events, share photos and files, and more.

NOTE: This is an announcement or newsletter group, so only the group
moderator may post messages. Also, some or all group web features
may be disabled at the moderator's discretion.

Here's an introductory message from the group moderator:


Welcome to Hip Hop Promotions eGroup.  This group will hit you off with the latest information in new Hip Hop/Rap and R&B.  Only the Hottest music, Free MP3z, and CD Giveaways posted through links on a Periodic basis.  NO Bombarding your e-mail with unnecessary junk mail.  This is ONLY an Invitation to join.  To Join, simply reply to this e-mail.  If you do not want to join ignore this message AND DO NOT REPLY!!! If you reply you will be added and we don't want anyone joining that doesn't want to.


Moderator, HipHopProductions



If you do not wish to join the HipHopProductions group, please
ignore this invitation.

SPECIAL NOTE FROM Yahoo! Groups:  Because Yahoo! Groups values your privacy,
it is a violation of our service rules for moderators to abuse this 
invitation feature. If you feel this has happened, please notify us
at abuse at 

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