Tessier-Ashpool now has Neuroserver!!

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Sat Mar 3 16:16:07 PST 2001

At 6:28 PM -0800 3/2/01, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>It is a compaq armada m700, with 128M memory and 6G
>hard drive.  It got kiped in San Francisco, on the
>western edge of a neighborhood known as hunter's point.
>It has already been reported to the appropriate police,
>but that's mainly pro forma; in the recovery of such
>items they are nearly useless.
>The application is called "Neuroserver".  It exists in
>a full GUI development environment/compiler (NSAE) and
>a windows service (NSRE) with associated runtime admin
>tools. There's also a solaris version, but that wasn't
>on the machine she had.

The sky above Hunter's Point was the color of television, tuned to a 
dead channel."It's not like I'm using Windoze," she heard someone 
say, as she shouldered her way through the crowd around the door of 
the Starbucks, beneath the quartz-halogen floods that lit the docks 
all night like vast stages; where you couldn't see the lights of 
Oakland for the glare of the television sky, not even the towering 
hologram logo of Herbalife, and San Francisco Bay was a black expanse 
where gulls wheeled above drifting shoals of white styrofoam coffee 

She'd made the classic mistake, the one she'd sworn she'd never make. 
She stole from her employers. She kept something for herself and 
tried to move it through a fence in Sunnyvale. She still wasn't sure 
how ahe'd been discovered, not that it  mattered now, now that 
Neuroserver was in the hands of Tessier-Ashpool.

The Finn was a a Linux hacker, a trafficker in Gnutellaed downloads, 
primarily in software. In the course of his business, he sometimes 
came into contact with other fences, some of whom dealt in the more 
traditional articles of the trade. In assault rifles for lonely 
Cypherpunks, in JPEGs of Britney Spears, in illegal Scientology NOTS.

As she faced the Finn, who had turned the color of television, tuned 
to a dead channel, she stood, stretched, shook herself. "You know, I 
figure the one Tessier-Ashpool sent after that Jimmy, the boy who 
stole the laptop, he must be pretty much the same as the one the 
Detweiler sent to kill CJ."
She drew the fletcher from its holster and dialed the barrel to full auto.

--Tim May,channeling Wm. Gibson

Timothy C. May         tcmay at got.net        Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

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