_Godwin_ on Godwin

Aimee Farr aimee.farr at pobox.com
Thu Mar 1 17:51:09 PST 2001

Tim, I know Mike Godwin. I've e-mailed Mike Godwin. And, Tim, you're no Mike

;-) Aimee

Somebody said:
 > I went to groups.google.com and did a search for usenet posts using
 > the word "nazi" http://groups.google.com/groups?q=nazi
 > Every single hit among the first page of hits was an appropriate and
 > relevant use of the word nazi,

>>>>>>This was incorrect:  Eight of the first ten posts were appropriate
uses of
>>>>>>the word "nazi".  Two were inappropriate.

FWD: --------

Even if 99 percent of all references to Nazis on the Internet were
appropriate and in-context, that would not prove anything, one way or
the other, as far as Godwin's Law is concerned -- anyone who says
Feel free to quote me on this.

Moreover, the statistical truth of Godwin's Law is beside the point,
which is to alert readers and writers to invidious comparisons, and
to the need to remember the gravity of what the Nazis did.



"I speak the password primeval .... I give the sign of democracy ...."
            --Walt Whitman
Mike Godwin can be reached by phone at 202-637-9800
His book, CYBER RIGHTS, can be ordered at
	http://www.panix.com/~mnemonic .

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