
petro petro at
Fri Jun 22 01:02:36 PDT 2001

>At 10:32 PM 6/10/01 -0700, petro wrote:
>>>it's not that difficult to get a CCW in California if you are willing to go
>>>to the effort required.  Give me a call if you want more info.
>It varies *greatly* with the attitude of the Chief.  In my Calif county
>the CCWs have tripled in the last few years since a Sheriff who trusts
>citizens was elected.  You may not need to be a lawyer, carry lots of
>cash, or have been threatened, if he's reasonable.  (If he were unreasonable
>those 'elite' reasons may not have sufficed.)

	In the county I live in, a Bail Bondsman, a man with more 
felony arrests than most cops (i.e. he's brought more felons to the 
jail) was denied *renewal* of his CCW. This according to the mans 
It is one of the essential features of such incompetence that the person so
afflicted is incapable of knowing that he is incompetent. To have such
knowledge would already be to remedy a good portion of the offense.

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