FBI frame-job

George at Orwellian.Org George at Orwellian.Org
Wed Jun 20 22:41:40 PDT 2001

#    Newly Revealed Documents Prove Woman Innocent of Cyanide Killings, 
#    PI Says
#    Stella Nickell has never stopped denying she killed her husband
#    Bruce with cyanide in 1986. But now her defense team says they
#    can prove her innocence.
#    Nickell, 57, is serving two 90-year prison terms after being 
#    found guilty of putting cyanide in a pain-reliever capsule taken 
#    by her husband and trying to hide the crime by tampering with 
#    other bottles of the over-the-counter drug, which resulted in 
#    a second death.
#    Her case came at a time when the country was reeling from a series 
#    of drug-tampering incidents.
#    Now, two private investigators who have been digging into the 
#    Seattle case for 14 months say they can prove her innocence with 
#    documents the FBI never turned over to the defense at the time 
#    of the trial.
#    If the claim sounds strangely familiar, think again, says Al 
#    Farr, one of the two sleuths who have been working on the case. 
#    "I know when news first got out there that we were doing this, 
#    some people assumed we were just floating on Tim McVeigh's 
#    coattails," Farr said. "That couldn't be further from the truth."
#    The FBI has admitted it failed to turn over more than 4,000 
#    documents in the case of McVeigh, who faces the death penalty 
#    for the deadly Oklahoma City bombing.
#    Then, in October, he was contacted by former FBI lab worker
#    Frederic Whitehurst, who told him he had 1,000 pages of
#    FBI documents related to the case that were never seen during
#    the trial.

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