Ian Grigg's Crypto Fiction Choices

Trei, Peter ptrei at rsasecurity.com
Tue Jun 12 08:27:04 PDT 2001

> From: 	petro[SMTP:petro at bounty.org]
> >From: Matthew Gaylor <freematt at coil.com>
> >Subject: Ian Grigg's Crypto Fiction Choices
> >Cc: iang at systemics.com
> >
> >http://www.iang.org/crypto_fiction/
> >A Fire Upon The Deep
> 	You missed "A Deepness in the Sky", written by Vinge, and 
> published in 1999. Crypto plays an important part of the story, and, 
> well, it's Vinge, it's worth a read.
... as does privacy, surveillance tech and it's avoidance, etc. Excellent


Did you catch the hint that they're running an Unix-descended OS? ...it's
well hidden.

Peter Trei

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