Corporate totalitarianism?

Steve Thompson stevet at
Thu Jul 26 14:07:54 PDT 2001

Quoting Steve Schear (schear at
> Would holding both the corporation and its executives libel for the same 
> crime constitute a form of double jeopardy ;-)

I don't see how that could be.  Blame and punitive sanctions are, if I am not
mistaken, apportioned according to degree of culpability.

> Is it possible for the injured parties to criminally prosecute the alleged 

But is it practical to do so?

> offenders under federal law (i.e., substitute for the DOJ)?  If not, then 
> that is what is needed.  The govenment should not enjoy a privileged 
> position on enforcement of criminal statutes.



``If religion were nothing but an illusion and a sham, there could be no
philosophy of it.  The study of it would belong to abnormal psychology....
Religion cannot afford to claim exemption from philosophical enquiry.  If it
attempts to do so on the grounds of sanctity, it can only draw upon itself
suspicion that it is afraid to face the music.''

      -- H. J. Paton, "The Modern Predicament"

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