Start earning 3 million dollars a month like Dean Michael

Media Online mediamakers2001us at
Wed Jul 18 22:07:38 PDT 2001

Dear Friend,

Please take a moment to review the remarkable 
opportunity presented here, that is setting the standard for earning ordinary folks a massive income on the internet.

There is amazing amounts of money being earned 
in the Adult entertainment Industry today, tens of millions weekly is an understatement. Yet many people don't participate,because they simply feel uneasy about it.

However, what if you COULD get all the benefits of being "in" the adult entertainment business, earning similar profits to the people listed below, without actually being "in" the business? Would you be interested? 

Kim Nielsen with the help of his wife started out 2 years ago from a spare room in his home with little more than $25.00, dial up access to the Internet and a computer. Last year he grossed only $900,000.00 but he says "This year I expect to gross 3 Million." He got started with a used computer from his spare bedroom 

Dean Michael has more than 90,000 people who pay him every month, earning sales of over 3 million dollars per month. What does he know that you don't? 

While earning 3 million dollars a month like Dean Michael, is exceptional, what would you do with and extra $50 - 500 - $5,000 - $10,000 - $20,000 per month? Take your spouse out to dinner? Buy a new car? Buy a new house? Travel? Give your kids a private education? We know one thing for sure...You would be less worried about your job and making ends meet.

MEDIA Online is the result of over 6 years, (a lifetime online) experience running adult websites . Our company, Media Broadcasting, is listed on Dun & Bradstreet and is a debt free company which specializes in allowing you, the average internet surfer to cash in on the exploding online adult entertainment business without any experience other than surfing the web.

MEDIA Online has two unique aspects that make this opportunity both extremely profitable and extremely enjoyable, for you, by appealing to both the Income Opportunity Seeker and the Adult entertainment Seeker. 

First, for the Opportunity Seeker, when you join our program you immediately are given a unique link to your own web site. This link brands all those who visit through it, "as your customer" When they join , you are paid 50% of their membership dues. Then every month that person is automatically renewed (unless they cancel) you are paid 50% of every renewal. With this opportunity you can earn money from "work" you did months, even years ago. Filling your pockets with cash from people you have never met and who live thousands of miles away!
Imagine if you referred just 5 members per day for six months....You would be earning over $11,000 per month... "Absolutely Free"
We Provide You With)-
Unlimited access to over 40 Premium Adult Web Sites. 
A personal profit link - includes all materials, credit card processing and more. 
Unlimited technical support - for you and your members 
Banners - no need to pay someone to design them 
Guaranteed checks every two weeks for "monies earned"

You will have complete anonymity.We will never give out your personal info. 

Sign up and start earning Some Real Money!
For an information Pack Please send an email to...

mediamakers2001us at 

Subject: "Request Media Information Pack"

P.S. Could this be you in one year?
"This month, I will be making over $200,000, 
and it's been like that for over a year now. 
I finally can dabble in the things I like" 
David L.. New Zealand

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