George W. Bush on biochemwomdterror

Greg Newby gbnewby at
Wed Jul 18 08:26:53 PDT 2001

On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 08:22:13AM -0700, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >>7/17. President Bush also touched on cyberterrorism in his speech on world 
> >>trade. He stated that "The United States and her allies will pursue a 
> >>balance of world power that favors human freedom. This requires a new 
> >>strategic framework that moves beyond Cold War doctrines and addresses the 
> >>threats of a new century such as cyberterrorism, weapons of mass 
> >>destruction, missiles in the hands of those for whom terror and blackmail 
> >>are a very way of life."
> Hmmm. There's a missing conjunction in the list.  That's a signature 
> usage that his father was famous for.  I haven't been paying much 
> attention to him, but it might be worthwhile to do some text analysis 
> and see how much of this crap is being written by his father. 
> On the other hand, it may be a signature usage he learned *from* 
> george senior when he was just a kid. 

Lots of the White House support staff (speech writers, etc.)
are from his father's admistration and/or Reagan (or Nixon,
in a few cases).  I think this is a likelier explanation, but
who knows?

The idea that GWB senior taught GWB junior how to read, write
and speak makes some questionable assumptions (i.e., that
GWB junior *can* read, write and speak).
  -- Greg

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