Recommendations for Cypherpunks Books

Alan Olsen alan at
Sun Jan 21 12:00:26 PST 2001

On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, Tim May wrote:

> And such a story can segue nicely into a follow-up piece a few years 
> later, about the "Twilight of the Crypto Geeks" or about how Vietnam 
> War protestors are now making big bugs on Wall Street. Thesis, 
> Antithesis, Synthesis.

That would explain the rise of the biotech stocks.

Now if they would just start teaching the Mad Sciences in the schools
again.  We need more giant bugs with the brains of a great ape skittering
down the streets of Washington DC.  (Other than the congressmen.)

"Mad?? I'm not Mad! A little miffed maybe, but not *mad*! I am a miffed

alan at | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
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    "In the future, everything will have its 15 minutes of blame."

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