weight loss

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Wed Jan 17 09:47:06 PST 2001

Dear Fat Friend,

Meet Photoshop.


On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 07:56:35PM +0000, mose_thegreat at mail777.net.cn wrote:

> In November, we got the proofs back so that we could pick our favorite Picture. Everybody looked wonderful and the background was spectacular but I could not Find myself in the picture. I looked and looked and finally got out a magnifying glass.To my horror, I found this woman with a face and body that looked like it was 100 Pounds overweight. I fell off the chair I was sitting on  and began to cry. 
> http://www.nat-dat-info.com
> My body resembled an oversized blimp that would takeoff should a heavy wind arise... it was HIDEOUS!  I had mirrors in my house but most of them were designed to only reflect from the waist up and I honestly hadn't noticed that my cheekbones had totally disappeared and that my face looked like a shapeless clump of flesh.

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