oppose nomination of John Ashcroft

Harmon Seaver hseaver at harmon.arrowhead.lib.mn.us
Tue Jan 16 21:23:24 PST 2001

Anonymous wrote:

> "Me" <commerce at home.com> wrote:
> Hmmmm... "Ashcroft has been hailed as an ally by the NRA, voting against
> trigger locks and the assault weapons ban while supporting conceal and carry
> laws and gun show loopholes to regulation."

     Anybody want to bet who will hold the title for building and filling the
most prisons --- Klinton/Reno or Busch/Asskroft?  I'm always amazed at how much
knee-jerking there is on this list, and how little thinking.
      These assholes are out to imprison all of us, the political rhetoric is
just a sham.

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