Voice over OTP during WW2.

Alan Olsen alan at clueserver.org
Tue Jan 16 11:27:14 PST 2001

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

> >Apparently this astounding - and apparently 
> >successful - effort was mostly declassified 
> >back in '76, but I first heard about it in 
> >Stevenson's Cryptonomicon last year.
> There's an exhibit on this system in the War Room museum in London.

Why do I have this feeling that both statements are true?

Reminds me of the Iran Contra hearings where they had "country number one"
and so on.  (Meanwhile, in the background, the Pacifica announcer in a
golf announcer-type voice is saying things like "and because of <some
foriegn paper publication>, country number one is Saudi Arabia".)

Just because something is sitting in a museum on public display does not
mean its not classified!

alan at ctrl-alt-del.com | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
Alan Olsen            | to my mail, just hit the ctrl, alt and del keys.
    "In the future, everything will have its 15 minutes of blame."

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