NONSTOP Crypto Query

David Honig honig at
Fri Jan 12 19:54:03 PST 2001

At 10:56 PM 1/12/01 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>David's suggestion makes sense to me. But if NONSTOP is a codeword, it
>would be classified at least secret, and manufacturers of such
>products would be discouraged by their customers at NSA from labeling
>their products with such a name.

I agree... this remains a problem with my thesis.  Perhaps it is
from an earlier time, before they randomly chose short words or word-pairs
from lists as opaque labels?  

I just finished Rowlett's _Magic_ and in there, someone
had to point out to the SIS cryptanalysts that you shouldn't refer to what
the ca. WWII Japanese called "Cipher Machine, type A" in English as the
"type A machine".   Thus their arbitrary designators ("red", "purple") were

The great thing about humans is they can come up with a theory for anything.



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