IP, forwarded posts, and copyright infringement

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Wed Jan 10 15:05:31 PST 2001

As a general rule, mere possession of infringing material is not a crime. 
There are some exceptions, such as stealing the printouts of Tom Clancy's 
unpublished novel, but they are narrow and not that interesting and do not 
advance our understanding, even in Choatian sense, of the topic. --Declan

At 04:57 PM 1/10/01 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> > Oh, certainly there are such cases, such as if you're part of the
> > infringement. But as a general rule, my point is valid, and I'd
> > challenge Choate to provide a cite to the U.S. code that suggests
> > otherwise.
>That suggests what is otherwise?
>Your claim was that possession of copyright infringed material wasn't a
>crime. You made no (zero, none, nada, null) qualifications. In effect
>simply possessing the item wasn't a crime.
>I demonstrated a counter example, that in the case of 'stripped' books
>possession was in fact a crime. I also mentioned the .mp3 situation which
>is another example where possession is in fact considered a crime.
>You just want to fight.

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