FWD from W at C.c: NSA abandons wondrous stuff

Wilfred L. Guerin Wilfred at Cryogen.com
Sat Jan 6 16:17:53 PST 2001

-=|[ NASA/NSA and PARI, etc ]|=-

Of first note, remind me not to use any fool 'send this to friend'
buttons... :) -- sorry for message weight above...

Secondly, has anyone done the simple mapping and can post a terraserver
link for the facility itself?

Additionally, although located off "Government Road" out in the forrest,
there are a number of other facilities in that area, due east, we have
lookingGlass mountain and whatnot (with related facilities), due west a
short distance is one of the new facilities (for nsa), within proximinity
are prooving and operations grounds for numerous other entities, and
although nicely centralized, if they are transfering the old nasa facility
to a private entity (although with logistic lockdown), it is
logical/feasible that other such facilities will be becoming available in
the near future? -- theres not much use for them now...

Has anyone compiled a 'theorhetical' list or set of basic maps that outline
the physical presence of various entities for public review? This would be
an interesting project now, especially with the open-ness of public
sat/aerial photography, as well as the availability and non-cold-war type
security and new potential for visitors to see the places...

Sidenote: article references an 'exchange' of the astronomers' previous
land to DOD/NSA, possibly such is an interesting facet for potential research?

I would though, like to see an archive and index/lookup of all facilities,
their operations, interactions, etc, just for education/ammusement,
especially with the most recent phase of declassification, im sure 'public
enlightenment' is a high priority of our grey-realm friends... Anyone want
to toss together a script, or provide a host for something i'll easily
build to accomodate the info?

Anyways, back to other ammusements :)

Wilfred at Cryogen.com


At 10:14 AM 1/6/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, James B. DiGriz wrote:
>> I highly recommend anyone go see it if they get the chance. I also
welcome any 
>> corrections or additions to 30-year old schoolboy memories. 


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