Solution to riddle 666 clear not cryptic Jah guidance

han don han_don8 at
Fri Jan 5 18:53:31 PST 2001

This is the riddle to the mystery of the beast numbered 666.

In the Book of Kings (and 2nd ChronicleV9:13) Solomon counted out his gold 
and it measured 666 cubits.

The calf was the creature/beast made out of gold (and precious stones) at 
the foot of the mountain when Moses descended. The calf being symbolic of 
our unhealthy craving for unecessary commodities such as gold, gems, milk 
and blood.

The gold standard is used in the world economy ( no-one shall be able to buy 
or sell without the mark of the beast.)

The great whore is symbolic of individuals and institutions which perpetuate 
the myth/illusion that you somehow need gold or diamonds to sanctify a 
marriage, you don't. The vow is sacred and sanctified by our honour and 
faith in God. Bringing token payments of gold and gems into the act sustains 
the corrupt and exploitative jem and gold trade. Furthermore it is in 
essence the same principle as the prostitution act of material for 

The manifestation of all these false values display their destructive and 
corrupt nature. Rainforests and their irreplacable, incomparable beauty, 
housing Gods finest creations are being massacred at a frightening rate the 
main reason being to feed cattle and to prospect and exploit natural 

The gold and diamond industry creates a perverse and inhuman imbalance of 
wealth (Sierra Leone's bloody civil war was fought for control of the 
diamond trade.)
The world economy with its unfair trade policies and debt traps (using the 
gold standard) has created a world where 40,000 people AT LEAST die daily 
unnecessarily due to hunger.

This theory holds up in the Chinese Bible or 'I Ching' also where the 
number666 refers to the mother. As we know the cow acts as a mother to 
humans by suckling human children (a perversion of Gods laws of nature.) 
Here also the quality of the 666 reference is receptive again gold is 
receptive and the hexogram is bottomless symbolising the bottomless pit.

This is THE SOLUTION to the riddle. Whether you choose to believe or not is 
up to you but this is IT. If you have faith in God and the Bible the command 
therein is to withdraw and refuse to trade in such commodities. THis is not 
just religeous fervor it is the important realisation which is crucial to 
the survival of our species and the living planet itself which as it stands 
is on the brink of annhilation.
I dislike to use strong language but you are warned as of NOW!

This was confirmed to me when the 8 angels of the revelations appeared to me 
(and no I wasn't on drugs). Pass this info on and spread the solution.Don't 
be fooled into disbelieving because of the simplistic nature of this 
solution as it's simplicity is its greatest strenght.
May God guide and protect !
I urge you do not hesitate to pass this info on.

(The fruit of the knowledge of good n evil in line with the fairly universal 
law  -actions which provide pleasure and nourishment to others are in 
essence healthy and nourishment to the self- excludes all true tree fruits, 
therefore the only fruit borne by a tree which is destructive must be the 
friuthead of parasitic fungi. This therefore is the fruit of knowledge and a 
warning to the use of fungi. From hallucinogens to yeast in bread (again all 
referred to in REV: maddening wine of impure passion -this also referring to 
the obvious 'bitter sex'). Note Christ never ate bread with yeast in fact 
all he ate was fruit and grains (unleavened). Not fish as is widely 
misconcieved in fact when he was being followed by the crowds he preached 
and then with the 'miraculous' catch gave people the option stay and eat of 
the flesh or come and follow him. AS for the feeding of the 5,000 with the 
few loaves and fishes he fed them with his words and satisfied them and the 
uneaten bread and fish was returned to the basket this then fed the fish 
keeping them at the shore while the boats fished hence no catch and some 
more snacks of food into the water as the boat resailed brought them out 
again into deep water- hence the miraculous catch.)
He holy grail has also been revealed to me but is too precious to reveal 
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