Anarchy Eroded: Project Efnext

Steve Schear schear at
Tue Jan 2 17:43:47 PST 2001

At 10:01 AM 12/31/00 -0800, Eric Cordian wrote:
>Jim Choate writes:
>Making people "part of the process" is one of the first things one learns
>in management.  How to simultaneously make sure they have zero chance of
>actually altering what you have planned for them is the second thing.
> > They already are, and have been for years. Usenet is another service that
> > could use some sort of p2p datahaven environment. This should be one of
> > the Cypherpunk 'target projects'.
>Uh, right.  Let us know when you have working code.

It shouldn't be very hard to bridge Usenet and Mojo Nation.


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