FAQ? how to set up a cross-platform encrypted mailing list/forum

Joseph Ashwood ashwood at msn.com
Tue Feb 20 17:23:09 PST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rachel Willmer" <rachel at intertrader.com>
To: "Ben Laurie" <ben at algroup.co.uk>; "Joseph Ashwood" <ashwood at msn.com>
Cc: <cypherpunks at cyberpass.net>; <coderpunks at toad.com>;
<cryptography at c2.net>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: FAQ? how to set up a cross-platform encrypted mailing

> The problem I see with doing this, is that it doesn't stop someone
> absent-mindedly sending out an unencrypted mail to the list server. Which
> then will travel happily in the clear over the Internet to the list
> (where it gets encrypted and sent back out again but its too late by
> so I'm coming round to the idea that the only way to do this is via a
> web-driven interface on a secure server.

So you write it so that unencrypted e-mail simply will be bounced. Simple
enough to do.

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