envelope stuffing

Anthony Naggs amn at ubik.demon.co.uk
Fri Feb 16 19:17:41 PST 2001

[copied to cypherpunks for info/reference]

In message <200102162116_MC2-C5CD-8CC2 at compuserve.com>, larry drewyor
<BDREWYOR at compuserve.com> wrote to cypherpunks at toad.com:
>I was wondering about the envelope system if i send the order form and
>money  you will send me the envelopes with papers i need to fill them with

1.  cypherpunks at toad.com is a mail discussion list, not a person and 
    definitely not a person offering money for stuffing envelopes.
2.  (Nearly?) All offers of money for stuffing envelopes are lies.
    Anybody with a scheme that really made money from stuffing 
    envelopes they would buy machinery to do the job.  Even the 
    smallest business can afford a simple machine that folds letters
    to the right size!
3.  Most advertised schemes work like this:
    a.  somebody makes adverts for people to make money stuffing 
        envelopes, for a fee
    b.  somebody else replies, paying the fee.
    c.  the first person stuffs *one* envelope, with instructions
        on how to write the original adverts, sent to the second
    Only people who are poor and desperate for money respond to 
    these adverts.  Having paid the fee such people then have to
    choose to: try to get their money back; try to make their
    money back by joining the scam, often needing to spend more
    money on adverts themselves; or just decide that the money they
    spent is lost.

Anybody who offers a job but requires you to give them money should be
treated with great suspicion!

Anthony Naggs

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