CHOATE, etal: Unsubscribe Rob at

Trei, Peter ptrei at
Fri Feb 16 06:55:03 PST 2001

[Apologies in advance for the multiple posting; this had to get
 to everyone -pt]

Jim (and other cypherpunk node operators):

The spate of "Mail Delivery Failure" messages we've been
seeing for the last few days are due to messages sent to a
user "rob at", apparently a very temporary (and
now dead) web mail address at

I've exchanged mail with the postmaster (richard at,
and he clearly regards this as Someone Elses Problem, and has no
intention of ceasing to send the bounce notices.

I strongly advise everyone running a cpunk node to check for, and
delete rob at It's not like he/she/it can't resubscribe if
they want to.

Sigh.... Yet Another Attack now exists against the cypherpunks
S/N ratio.

Peter Trei

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