Ah, now I catch Declan's trick

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Wed Feb 14 16:42:12 PST 2001

The below is typically muddled.

Netiquette says one should not send one message to someone privately
and *the identical text* to the list in a different message. It
leaves the recipient unsure about whether the thought was a private
communication or not. This is what Jim has done twice this week.

It is, however, perfectly acceptable to do a reply-to-all when engaging
in list conversations (provided that the CC line is not too long, etc.),
and that is what I have done and am doing.


On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 04:08:29PM -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> He posted a comment the other day about my sending private notes was
> unwaranted in responce to comments made on the public list.
> I was wondering why he got them at all because previously he hadn't been
> receiving them. Well today I made the same mistake, I didn't look at the
> header until after I'd sent it. Then I realized that Declan is now sending
> these messages not only to the list, but to me privately (something he
> says is against netiquette?), something he wasn't doing before. The
> private messages bubble to the top first so I reply to them. I was also
> wondering why I was getting multiple copies of his inbound too.
> So, if Declan would please forward the responce to his public post back to
> the list (and send his commentary w/o me cc:'ed specificaly please) we can
> proceed with a reasonably civil debate until he finds something else to
> play with instead of the topic at hand.
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