Zimmerman and Hayden, sitting in a tree...

Roy Silvernail roy at scytale.com
Wed Feb 14 06:25:51 PST 2001

>CBS this morning was repeating a segment apparently
>from last night's Sixty Minutes show, on the NSA,
>PGP and /bin/laden.

Saw it last night.  s/Bin Laden/Goldstein/g would have run without error.

>Quick, what was Zimmerman's answer when asked what he
>thought about the bad guys being able to use PGP?

Not sure how to react to that.  I thought CBS was trying very hard to cast
Phil in a bad light, and his answer was the only one he could have given
that wouldn't have hit the cutting room floor.

>    Linux advocates should announce Windows XP
>    is the time to switch to Linux permanently.

Concur.  MICROS~1 is moving steadily toward a secured platform that gives
them full control of what will and won't run.  Were it up to them, there
would be no third-party development.  Ironic, considering third-party
development has played such a large part in their rise to ubiquity.
Roy M. Silvernail
Proprietor, scytale.com
roy at scytale.com

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