Formal apology (RE: Crypto McCarthyism ...thoughts, gentlemen?)

Aimee Farr aimee.farr at
Sun Feb 11 17:26:06 PST 2001

> Eric Murray said:
> > OTOH, there certainly has been another attempt by government
> > to villify crypto users with the recent spate of articles on Osama
> > bin Oceania and other terrorists supposed use of crypto and stego.
> > The Red scare of the 50s was also to a large extent promoted and fanned
> > into flame by elements of the government.  While there isn't a "moral
> > boundary crisis" amongst the general public about crypto, there is an
> > attempt at "vilification" and "patterned labelling" of crypto users by
> > the government.  And many cypherpunks have predicted the
> > government causing
> > events similar to "crystallization of the crisis through a dramatic act"
> > and "appropriation of the appropriate social apparatus and suppression
> > of critique" of crypto users by the government.
> > (However, few of those believe that "and finally restoration of a normal
> > situation" would then occur.)
> I appreciate the small confirmation that I am not living on
> another planet, Mr. Murray.
> > The paper doesn't mention the political aspects of either of its
> > examples (another of it's flaws).  If you can think of "mass hate"
> > as a politically-motivated inflaming of the masses fears, then
> > the steps that it describes are remarkably similar to the expected
> > political response to crypto-anarchy.
> So far, they haven't had much to hang their hat on, at least no
> specific instance that has become a public focal-point.
> Informational anarchy and small-time monkeywrenching does
> certainly seem to be mainstreaming, but "terrorist tool" is a
> high-caliber metaphor, especially if used in conjunction with a
> domestic act of terrorism. Oh, blah, I'm sure I'm not adding to
> the intellectual group capital...I'll follow Prof. May's advice
> and sift the archives.
> mailto:aimee.farr at
> Aimee E. Farr
> Law Office Of Aimee E. Farr
> 5400 Bosque, Suite 675
> Waco, Texas 76710-4418
> ph: 254.751.0030 | fx: 751.0963

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