Formal apology (RE: Crypto McCarthyism ...thoughts, gentlemen?)

Declan McCullagh declan at
Sat Feb 10 22:03:31 PST 2001

At 09:49 PM 2/10/01 -0800, Tim May wrote:
>>Nevertheless, I came across as abrasive and offended members of this forum.
>>_Ladies_ & Gentlemen, you have my apologies for both my breach of decorum
>>and disrespect. Such was certainly not my intention.
>We should kill it before it multiplies. No human being speaks in such a 
>stilted, phony way.
>This chick can be for real. It must be another troll.

Hmm. I just responded to Aimee's message, and so I may have just been 
trolled.  But I rise to the defense of human sentience here: I don't think 
an AI would have bothered to ask us about such an inane sociological tract...

Another theory is that Aimee actually thinks that all cypherpunks 
subscribers are pleasant, decent, and reasonable people who should be 
treated politely. I'm sure folks -- is Choate around? -- will disabuse her 
of this notion straightaway.


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